The 9 box grid for HiPo talent identification

How To Identify HiPo Employees: Panning For Gold via Potential and Performance

True recognition of a HiPo team member requires identifying those vital few with the essential qualities that render them invaluable in navigating the organisation to excellence. The problem is that misidentification can be a VERY costly exercise.

02 June 2024
Is the 9 box grid the heavy weight champion of talent mapping

Is It Time To Retire The 9 Box Grid?

01 June 2024
Talent mapping is an ongoing process, not merely a singular event. It's a strategic error to let it become an exhaustive task that leaves HR and Leadership with stale data, rendering the effort futile.

Stale Talent Data: A Recipe for Disaster

28 May 2024
Punch today in the face

Talent Management Strategies: What happens with the 9 boxes

27 May 2024
A man sitting on a chair surrounded with pages

Compare Apples with Apples: Mastering Talent Calibration

Calibration sessions provide a forum for managers to discuss their evaluations, query their peers, and refine or reaffirm their judgments to ensure uniformity of application.

08 April 2024
Lego clown hidden with storm troopers

Defining Performance and Potential: The 9 Box Grid Axes Explained

05 April 2024
Pilots flying plane at sunset

Implementing Talent Mapping Using the 9 Box Grid: Identifying Critical Roles

02 April 2024
Man looking through a magnifying glass

Understanding the 9 Box Grid: The Performance & Potential Matrix

27 March 2024
A group of people holding Lego people adorned with different characteristics.

It’s Not About Being Brilliant: So What Really Makes Teams Thrive?

Ever wondered why some teams deliver outstanding results while fostering genuine camaraderie, yet others have purely transactional interactions or even meet with dread? I did, and so did Google.

19 February 2024
Women laying on tennis court surrounded by lemons

Are We Asking Too Much of Line Managers?

Developing line manager capability is a top focus for 2024, yet this clashes with the stark reality—managers are already stretched thin, teetering on the edge, if not already burning out at an alarming rate. Are we asking too much?

23 November 2023
An interconnected web of lines between data points

Unlocking the Power of Data in Talent Management: A Data-Driven Revolution

The plaster solutions of the past, relying on gut instinct, anecdotal evidence, and subjective opinions will no longer suffice. Data-driven decisions are the only way to get in front of engagement drops, retention issues and talent pipelining.

13 November 2023
a neon sign on a dark brick wall that says "don't quit" . The illuminated letters spell out "Do It".

The High Price of Poor Performance Management

The shocking state of employee engagement is a business wake-up call

01 November 2023
Padlocks with hearts and initials written on them, locked to fence

Moving From Talent Hoarding to Talent Acceleration

How HR can help enable true Talent Mobility.

02 October 2023
A woman holding her head in her hands in frustration.

The Blueprint for Crafting an Irresistible HR Business Case

How to transform your business case into a powerful proposal that resonates with decision-makers, leaving inaction as the only unappealing option.

02 September 2023

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